autism awareness

A collection of autism facts and resources that I've found helpful in my journey to learn more about it.


Please note that I'm not a medical professional nor an expert on this topic. I simply have a desire to raise more awareness about a very common disorder and how to learn about it.

Autism in 2020

  • In 2020, the CDC reported that approximately 1 in 54 children in the U.S. is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), according to 2016 data.

    • 1 in 34 boys identified with autism

    • 1 in 144 girls identified with autism

  • Boys are four times more likely to be diagnosed with autism than girls.

  • Most children were still being diagnosed after age 4, though autism can be reliably diagnosed as early as age 2.

  • 31% of children with ASD have an intellectual disability (intelligence quotient [IQ] <70), 25% are in the borderline range (IQ 71–85), and 44% have IQ scores in the average to above average range (i.e., IQ >85).

  • Autism affects all ethnic and socioeconomic groups.

  • Minority groups tend to be diagnosed later and less often.

  • Early intervention affords the best opportunity to support healthy development and deliver benefits across the lifespan.

  • There is no medical detection for autism.

what causes it?

  • Research indicates that genetics are involved in the vast majority of cases.

  • Children born to older parents are at a higher risk for having autism.

  • Parents who have a child with ASD have a 2 to 18 percent chance of having a second child who is also affected.

  • Studies have shown that among identical twins, if one child has autism, the other will be affected about 36 to 95 percent of the time. In non-identical twins, if one child has autism, then the other is affected about 31 percent of the time.

  • Over the last two decades, extensive research has asked whether there is any link between childhood vaccinations and autism. The results of this research are clear: Vaccines do not cause autism.